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Water is Life.

In Labrador, Inuit and Settler communities continue the resistance to Muskrat Falls, a hydro-electric project with devastating consequences for Melville River that could lead to methylmercury poisoning.  New evidence shows that the Muskrat Falls hydro dam will contaminate the food that thousands of Inuit rely on, harming Inuit health and culture and violating Inuit and human rights. Learn more:


The Algonquins of Barriere Lake have steadfastly opposed mining activity on their territory for years. Copper One is proposing an open pit mine and the company's claim covers a large area of the La Vérendrye wildlife reserve and a neighbouring area including the headwaters of the Ottawa River. 

Learn more:

“Our community will always be against any type of mining activity within our traditional territory. We will protect our territory for future generation to come,” Barriere Lake Chief Casey Ratt

On August4, 2014, the dam that held the waste from Imperial Metals' Mount Polley mine in Central British Columbia collapsed, leading to the largest mine waste spill in Canadian history. The impacts on the surrounding rivers and lakes, including Quesnel Lake, one of the deepest fjord lakes in the world and birthing waters of salmon, have been devastating.

Learn more:

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