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May Month of Action - time for the Liberals to respond!

This May, members of United for Mining Justice participated in public actions across Canada to call on the federal government to live up to its campaign promises and take concrete actions to make the extractive sector more accountable. Given the huge role that Canadian mining companies play globally, and the increasing social and environmental destruction as a result, Canadian civil society and human rights organizations with the support of partners in affected countries, have been calling on the government to take action for more than 10 years. Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party said they would stand up for international human rights and would respond to the global call for justice and accountability by Indigenous and other communities negatively impacted by Canadian mining companies.

This May, we took action through social media campaigns - like this one:

Make Canada #openforjustice!

We participated in public actions and sit ins:

Members of UFMJ and MISN at a sit-in in the office Liberal MP Michael Levitt.

In Toronto, at the office of Liberal MP Michael Levitt. Read the full story here.

In front of the Federal Government Offices in Montreal.

Outside of the Guy Favreau Complex in Montreal.

Are our actions having an impact? How will the Canadian government respond? And how do we keep them accountable?

This summer, don't miss an opportunity to meet with your MP at their annual summer BBQ - and ask - What are you doing to make the Canadian extractive sector accountable?

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