We of this generation are the stewards of the land in which we live.
The next generation will call upon us to give an account of our stewardship.
- Anonymous
Open for Justice Briefing Note
Proposed Ombudsperson Legislation Executive Summary
Emily's Powerpoint Presentation from the Webinar
Elana's Powerpoint Presentation from the Webinar
42nd Parliament Guide: Finding your MP and their responsibilities
Amnesty International Canada - Open for Justice Backgrounder, Q&A and tips for meeting with your MP:
Development and Peace - Advocacy Guide: This guide provides you with background information, policy recommendations, and suggested questions on our current advocacy priorities.
Development and Peace - Talking about the issues that matter:
This guide will help prepare you for meeting with your federal MP.
Isabel Caicedo Polanco, from the Popular Feminist Organization (OFP) in Colombia, speaks at the November 26, 2017 Montreal march to mark the International Day Against Violence Against Women about the violence that women, and entire communities, in Colombia face at the hands of Canadian mining companies. Her message is a call to action to the Canadian government and concerned Canadians to make the Canadian mining industry more accountable, and to leave their territory in peace. Isabel is in Canada on a speaking tour organized by Kairos to mark the 16 Days of Action to End Violence Against Women.
​On November 26, Tess Tesalona from the Centre for Philippine Concerns, along with other women and men from the Philippines marched in Montreal to remember the 16 Days of Action Against Violence Against Women. Canadian mining companies have a long history in the Philippines and disasters at gold, copper, silver and other mines have meant devastating consequences for local communities.
A webinar to move to action to make
Canada's extractive sector more accountable.
On November 29, over 50 Canadians gathered virtually because they believe it's time for Canada to have a more accountable extractive sector.
The 90 minute webinar gave updates on the Open for Justice Campaign, model legislation to create an independent ombudsperson and practical tips for engaging with your MP.
Partners around the world are putting their life on the line to defend and protect their rights and communities. Are you going to do your part?
We need you to contact your MP now to make the Canadian extractive sector accountable.

Tools & Resources
from the webinar
Useful Reports:
The “Canada Brand”: Violence and Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America by the Justice and Corporate Accountability Project at Osgoode Hall Law School. Read executive summary and full report here.
"Canada is Back. But still far behind." An Assessment of Canada’s National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises by Above Ground, MiningWatch Canad anad OECD Watch. Read report here.
le 5 décembre, participez à un webinaire pour vous mettre à jour sur la campagne et pour agir pour la justice minière! Contactez nous